There has been quite a few comments in regards to updates lately, specifically how they affect mods and players being able to connect to servers.Wurm is in a state of high development at the moment. For those who don't follow along on the main forums , changes are being made in many areas that will improve Wurm in the future. These changes may not yield immediate results, but they are needed for the continued growth of the game.Wurm has been in development since as early as 2004. There are many aspects of the game that must be modernized and improved if Wurm is to continue into the future.
Dragon valor review. This includes the new proprietary model format, new texture compression support, and a rendering engine rewrite that is still underway and progressing. Changes are also being made to improve the communication protocol between the client and server, which is another area that needs improvement. I'm sure many Wurm Online players can attest to the need for these improvements.Wurm Unlimited receives these improvements as well, and will continue to benefit from the optimizations and improvements being made in Wurm Online.I do understand how frustrating it can be for server administrators and for mod developers, but these changes must be done and the inconvenience cannot be helped.
Instead of focusing on the negativity, do look toward the future and the continued bettering of a game that so many love and feel strongly for.The communication with the community has notably increased and updates have been released in such a way to help mitigate downtime for players and admins alike. For ModdersWith the code changes made so far and the changes that are to come, it is highly recommended to adopt the use of a mod loader, rather than make direct changes to decompiled Java classes.As we continue to update the code and refactor it for stability and code cleansing, your decompiled changes may be harder to easily re-apply.
Using the same compiled class in an updated jar could lead to disastrous results for you and your players.A mod loader works in such a way that it injects code at run-time, code of your design. Ideally, all you should really need to change when using a mod loader would be the signature of a method you are overriding or injecting code into.
ModLauncher and mods for WurmUnlimited client. Contribute to ago1024/WurmClientModLauncher development by creating an account on GitHub.
Flight simulator 2002 downloads. There may be other changes required, but this method is far more stable than using a decompiler.In closing, please remember that even in your moments of frustration, keeping things civil and leaving toxicity out of the community is in the best interest for all. Clearly mods are very important to a large number of Unlimited players and admins, and an official modloader and support for mods would be really appreciated. A number of the mods that have and are being developed might also be nice to have included officially as part of the game. There are some very skilled java coders in the mod community as well. While I understand the development is small and resources are limited, at least trying to keep a good dialog open with some of the modders and possibly working with a few of them could result in a significant return on investment.
The entire reason for the way releases are handled now is for the mod community. Beta - Live and a PreviousVersion on the client. This was done to give mod developers more time to update their mods.We've also been making changes to the code where the side effect will be somewhat easier modding. It's a slow process, and during that process I'm sure mod developers will become frustrated with the amount of code changes being done. The idea has been to remove a lot of the nested blocks that play havok with decompilers and can make modding more difficult.The main issue with officially supporting a mod loader is as you said, Wurm has a rather small development team, and that team's focus is on making the improvements that I mentioned above. At the end of last year, the developers held a meeting in IRC to discuss the future of Wurm. That, and the forum post that went with it, brought forward a number of issues players would like addressed.
That is our focus right now, and that focus will be applied to Wurm Unlimited as well. Maybe if the devs created a standard mod loader for client and server that modders could use for their mods rather than using third party apps.Maps are especially difficult since the server is SUPPOSED to download them to the client in order for us to view the map. However, this requires the client to install them which again, requires a third party app at present.The problem with third party mod loader apps is that we have no idea what they are really doing to the game code. We have to take it on faith that they are not doing things we would rather they didn't do. At least with a built in mod loader, they could only access the file(s) they need to in order to mod the game, not hack into essential parts for information from our Steam accounts etc. Originally posted by:There would be the same amount of trust required even with an official mod loader and we still wouldn't be able to know for sure if certain mods would work after an update due to the nature of modding.
Not necessarily, it would limit the files that can be modded to ensure that only mods that affect gameplay can be created, The core files would therefore be protected.Trying to get a server up and running is also a nightmare of epic proportions. I played Ark and had a heavily modded server up and running in a matter of an hour using Ark Server Manager. Taking a look at ASM would give you an insight into how to make a server manager that doesn't require a degree in computer science to use.Finally, modders are often highly talented people who are looking for a break into game programming. If you don't have the manpower, why not help them by utilising their expertise to do the things you don't have the manpower to do? Make it a contest with a prize for the one who creates the best of certain essential things like a Mod loader that will install both client or server mods depending on information given by the modder in a file.
This could also be extended to the server manager. Such an accolade would boost their chances of a job in the industry as well as giving us the best tools we can get to make the game better and easier for us to use. Originally posted by:There would be the same amount of trust required even with an official mod loader and we still wouldn't be able to know for sure if certain mods would work after an update due to the nature of modding.
Not necessarily, it would limit the files that can be modded to ensure that only mods that affect gameplay can be created, The core files would therefore be protected.Trying to get a server up and running is also a nightmare of epic proportions. I played Ark and had a heavily modded server up and running in a matter of an hour using Ark Server Manager. Taking a look at ASM would give you an insight into how to make a server manager that doesn't require a degree in computer science to use.Finally, modders are often highly talented people who are looking for a break into game programming. If you don't have the manpower, why not help them by utilising their expertise to do the things you don't have the manpower to do? Make it a contest with a prize for the one who creates the best of certain essential things like a Mod loader that will install both client or server mods depending on information given by the modder in a file. This could also be extended to the server manager.
Such an accolade would boost their chances of a job in the industry as well as giving us the best tools we can get to make the game better and easier for us to use.Firstly, the nature of modding means that a mod can override or change the base code. If you're looking for security and protection, a full blown modding API would be needed. That is completely beyond what can be accomplished right now as it would require major rewrites. Trust me on this, I've already tried to document something similar.Second, I think the requirements are blown out of proportion.
I don't have a degree in computer science. I have what you might call an advance knowledge of networking, but I didn't tap into that to configure my home router. I actually learned how to configure my home router long before I took any courses and study in networking - because I wanted to let my friends get on my Minecraft server.
I know I've posted fairly simple instructions on this hub in a few places, plus the documentation on both the Wurmpedia and in the guide section. And I know there are how to videos that are even better than the documentation I helped to write and prepare. All in all, the information is there.You can't really compare Ark and Wurm in the way you do here. Ark was designed from the start to be released as it is, and it is not an MMO. Wurm Online was an MMO first.
Wurm Unlimited came about after years of players asking for private servers. Much work went in to making Wurm Unlimited friendly, and more work goes into that still.As for recruiting modders, do keep in mind that I am a volunteer developer myself.
Code Club does tap community talent where appropriate. There's a process though, along with legal documents and such. There's also another issue that only veterans to Wurm may truly understand.
Every time you invite a developer into the fold, there's always a chance they will leave with half-finished projects and broken promises. This is bad business and bad for the game and community overall.I'll close with a reminder that in the original FAQ, Rolf stated that mods would not be supported, but would be allowed. Releasing un-obfuscated code, adding in differnet branches to help with compatibility and testing, as well as some of the refactoring work have all been done in the interest of helping the community, but the policy still stands that mods are not officially supported. Originally posted by:We do not officially support modifications. To be quite honest, it would ne nearly impossible to do so without an official mod loader. If we included Ago's mod loader in testing, then we'd be obligated to do the same for all other mod loaders that may exist.This is why updates are launched to beta before going to live, to allow for mod developers and server administrators to test their mods before the push to live.Thanks for the feedback.
And we do appreicate the beta branch releases.
There may not actually be that many. Since you have to run the server to play the game (unlike, say, Skryim) and I get the feeling that most people with the skills to do modding are playing MP. If you wanted to make changes in a SP game, you could still just tweak things via server mods.How many things would only work as client side? From what I understand of the live map mod, the server is already sending that info to the client and all Ago did was caputer the data and display it.So something that changes the UI displays, or perhaps gives the player certain info as it is streamed. Lighting tweaks, also. But something like a different graphic for a stone wall, would probably still be a server side mod - which may be passed to the client when they log in.