Sword Of The Stars The Pit Guide

Sword Of The Stars The Pit Guide

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How do I get more crafting recipes? Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. Without the help of some external guide (such as The PITopedia), there are a few options. Browse other questions tagged sword-of-the-stars-the-pit or ask your own question.

Sword of the stars: the pit osmium editionScout

No low effort posts or memes. I'm still learning the ins and outs of different classes, and the game. My furthest is a floor 20 Engineer that just got out of the Biome floors, but is unfortunately about to die due to losing his armor and running out of ammo for both his pistol and the laser pistols he found, and all the durability in his Adamantium Claw: I really like Engineer though, and I think if I played him again I would do even better now that I understand more about durability, shadowboxing, and to avoid spending any more time in the Biome than absolutely necessary.So what are your favorites and how do you win with them?. Hey Ganrao, glad you're liking the game!Down below is a link to the wiki, that might help out a bit. I'd also recommend The Pit forums themselves, they've got a big strategy section. I've included both links below for you.If you're just starting SotS, you picked the right time. The expansions add a hell of a lot of value and choices to the game.

Lately I've been having the most luck with the big bug, as that fellow can hit hard enough to survive awhile even without his weapons.As to strategies that might help: Keep playing the engine a bit more, just to do some decoding and recipe finding. It will make future playthroughs a ton easier. Try the Psychic classes at least once, they are a bit hard to get rolling, but having an extra way to control combat can really save your ass when your loot finding for that run sucks.

Can't check those links at work, but I registered on the forum as Fortescue and posted asking for tips in the Spoilertown sub. I just used the wiki and looked up recipes any time I found an ingredient I didn't know how to use.Last night I tried a Striker and was doing good until I ran face-first into a doppleganger @@ I didn't realize how dangerous those things were when you were still low level, and it ate me up in 3 rounds. No wonder they start you off with Sense Life.This morning I began a Marine and am doing pretty good. His Blade is worn down, but I found a Sword to replace it and was training his Blades up anyway. The thing I learned last time I played Marine is that you can try to save weapon durability by punching things to death, but that is how you get your armor ruined by weenies:/ So this time I was a lot more free with my Blade and tried to finish off more enemies before they could hit me, just to save my armor.

I also found a reflective armor on a 50% chance opening an armor locker:O I assume lasers come up more in the late game, so I didn't put it on yet. My impact armor is still at 48/60 though so I'm doing ok. I think I am on floor 7 or so.

I put this in another thread of someone asking for some help:Careful management and patience with your food will help with the starvation. Don't be afraid to eat tainted meat, it's pretty filling and not terribly dangerous (you can also just carry some antibiotics).

Heroes of might and magic 3. I hang on to raw meat as long as I feel like I can to make sure I've got warbread to make Sotswiches (or, cheese willing, Hero Sotswiches), and I really need food at that point, I'll cook some into pungent meat (Raw Meat + Scent Gland) and keep the rest raw while looking for Tarka Warbread, can also be made into a sammich, if necessary.I stick with melee up to floor 6 or 7, maybe further, only using a gun when things get hectic, and especially if you see proteans. You might consider artificially padding some of your knife or melee skills by attacking pillars and doors or objects, though this can take some time and burns food.

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Consider using cyber scramblers (pretty easy to make, Cybernetic brain, and electronic parts) to deal with the bots, toss one in and they'll often harm each other, but might trash the room, depending on the bot. Don't be afraid to fight the bits patiently. Position yourself so you can only see the spaces just inside the door (if there are multiple bots) so you can limit your exposure to bullets and deal with just one or two at a time. If your health drops below 25% or so, bail and find a bed.

Again, this will burn food faster, but will heal a significant amount of health, and unless there's a manufacturing bay, they can't heal themselves.I rarely put more points into brains with Engineers, I actually mass dump into Might for the inventory space and to open up better guns, if you get lucky. Keep your fingers crossed for a rifle and make it into a sniper rifle as soon as possible (Rifle + Optics + Bindings), it's pretty strong, bullets are fairly plentiful, and since it's not automatic you're not burning extra bullets.I'm at work, so I can't go on for too long. If you have specific questions on how to deal with certain scenarios, ask, and I'll see what I can do.END PASTEThat all being said, there are a few issues with posting a solid strategy per se, it can heavily come down to luck, and sometimes there's just nothing you can do to avoid a death from, say, starvation, because there was just no food to be found. I've beaten the game twice, if my memory serves (on easy, wheeeeee) and I started to doing normal, because I realized you got capped on the recipes you can learn from deciphering messages on easy to the first 50. Things get pretty hairy from there, but my general strat is to buff lots of melee for 8 or so floors, gives you time to build up a decent pool of bullets in case of emergency, and it's easier to keep yourself fed up there, so spending some extra time trashing random objects with your desired melee weapon (or yer mitts) is a valid use of your time. And like Lekonish said, putting enough points into something like the telekinesis psionic skill gives you a huge boost in your combat effectiveness.

It's worth dropping a point per level in to most of the time. There's also the whole issue where it seems like the only stat worth putting points into is Might, alas. The problem I have with using bare fists on humans early on is that you really mess up your armor badly by letting weenies hit you that much, but if you aren't wearing armor you could get destroyed by a rarespawn like the Yeti or the killer rabbit.You don't need to hit things with your knife / blade / spear / melee to skill them up, just hold shift and attack open air. This is called 'shadow boxing' and is a well known tactic on their forums. I used it to get melee to 45 on my Engineer after he crafted Adamantium Claws once, and it was amazing. You need a bit of food though, since humans use 1 food every 2 attacks and you only gained a skill point maybe 1 in 5 attempts (so you need roughly 200 food to get to 45 if you're unlucky).I don't really like the recipe meta-game, so I just look them all up using the wiki. I have been playing on Normal the whole time, furthest I got was to floor 20 after the Biomes.Might is great to put points in if you don't start with a lot of it, but on my Marine the lack of Finesse related skills has caused me to lean into getting 5-10 points in that.

Since there are so many governed by Finesse it is better than a 1:1 ratio for stat points spent into skill ups. Brains are essential to level unless you like walking into every acid trap in the game (it governs your trap detection), and it helps getting that boost to Electronics and Computers, however small. I don't use my fists against enemies that early, just against random stuff. I think the reason I don't usually shadow box is to make sure I keep moving forward to some degree, and don't dig myself into a hole. Also I get tired of just standing there for too long, gets me all antsy. I won't say I've never looked up recipes, but I try not to, or to remember one that I had unlocked on a different computer (save didn't transfer when I upgraded to gold, not sure why. I'm past where I was now, anyway).

Sword Of The Stars The Pit Guide
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